Below is a list of the countries that appear next to a person’s name in the documents. Not all documents have this information. Names of countries changed over time. We try to use one spelling for the country to enable the use of the filter on the search engine page. The list will automatically update with each addition of databases.
All Countries
Aden (74)
Afghanistan (118)
Africa (12)
Albania (3)
Algeria (4,165)
America (15)
Argentina (2,540)
Armenia (9)
Aruba (3)
Australia (3,463)
Austria (6,947)
Azerbaijan (86)
Bahamas (1)
Barbados (7)
Bechuanaland (1)
Belarus (50)
Belgian Congo (6)
Belgium (925)
Bessarabia (32)
Bolivia (24)
Bosnia (5)
Brazil (2,333)
Britain (44)
British Arabia (1)
Bukovina (21)
Bulgaria (5,294)
Burma (2)
C.S.R. (11)
Canada (3,772)
Cayman Islands (5)
Central Europe (4)
Ceylon (1)
Chile (487)
China (25)
Colombia (168)
Costa Rica (51)
Country (3)
Croatia (25)
Cuba (107)
Curacao (4)
Cyprus (4,283)
Czech Republic (42)
Czechoslovakia (335)
Danzig (4)
Democratic Republic Of The Belgian Congo (1)
Denmark (174)
Dominican Republic (1)
East Africa (2)
Ecuador (23)
Egypt (6,792)
El Salvador (5)
England (1,671)
Eritrea (2)
Esthonia And Finland (2)
Estonia (46)
Ethiopia (1)
Europe (228)
Finland (169)
France (6,870)
Galicia (286)
Gaza (3,161)
Georgia (113)
Germany (6,437)
Gibraltar (93)
Great Britain (3,694)
Greece (23,677)
Grenada (9)
Guatemala (36)
Guinea-Bissau (13)
Haiti (2)
Holland (649)
Honduras (5)
Hong Kong (48)
Hungary (17,820)
Iberian Peninsula (1)
Iceland (1)
India (654)
Iran (760)
Iraq (2,081)
Ireland (44)
Israel (31,861)
Italy (3,060)
Jamaica (4)
Japan (17)
Jordan (91)
Kasakhstan (3)
Kazakhstan (13)
Kenya (780)
Kyrgyzstan (8)
Latvia (146)
Lebanon (4,992)
Libya (192)
Libyia (1)
Lithuania (9,754)
Luxembourg (5)
Luxemburg (2)
Macedonia (19)
Malta (6)
Mauritius (1,044)
Mesopotamia (3)
Mexico (2,422)
Moldova (27)
Monaco (3)
Mongolia (1)
Morocco (72,491)
Myanmar (2)
Netherlands (503)
New Zealand (25)
Nicaragua (6)
North Africa (8)
Northern Ireland (13)
Norway (28)
Pakistan (4)
Palau (6)
Palestine (1,811)
Panama (39)
Paraguay (15)
Persia (4)
Peru (144)
Poland (4,713)
Polonia (2)
Portugal (136)
Puerto Rico (9)
Puerto Rico (5)
Rest Of World (111)
Rhodes (7)
Rhodesia (77)
Romania (2,226)
Roumania (93)
Rumania (16)
Rusia (5)
Russia (1,364)
S.W. Africa (118)
San Marino (1)
Scandinavia (4)
Scotland (178)
Serbia (368)
Sicily (3)
Singapore (17)
Slovakia (783)
Slovenia (24)
South Africa (2,921)
South America (3)
South Korea (2)
Southern Rhodesia (1)
Soviet Russia (1,771)
Spain (3,033)
Sudan (1)
Suriname (2)
Sweden (628)
Switzerland (357)
Syria (10,790)
Taiwan (2)
Tajikistan (4)
Thailand (1)
The Dominican Republic (1)
Transjordan (103)
Trinidad (2)
Tunis (1,273)
Tunisia (290)
Turkey (15,288)
Turkmenistan (8)
U.S. Virgin Island (3)
U.S.A (1)
U.S.A. (7)
USA (27)
Ukraine (1,246)
United Kingdom (202)
United States (18,301)
Uruguay (236)
Uzbekistan (106)
Venezuela (827)
Vietnam (2)
Virgin Islands (3)
Wales (34)
West Bank (2)
West Germany (26)
West Indies (1)
Yemen (881)
Yugoslavia (148)
Zaire (13)
Zambia (2)
Zimbabwe (21)
להלן רשימה של המדינות המופיעות לצד שם האדם במסמכים. לא בכל המסמכים יש מידע זה. שמות המדינות השתנו עם הזמן. אנו מנסים להשתמש באיות אחד למדינה כדי לאפשר את השימוש במסנן בדף מנועי החיפוש. הרשימה תתעדכן אוטומטית בכל תוספת של מאגרי מידע