Welcome to IGRA's All Israel Database!
This search engine currently features 3,446,114 records and was last updated on 25 January 2025.
The Israel Genealogy Research Association [IGRA] has set as one of its primary aims the preparation of databases based upon various records, mainly found in Israel, for as wide an audience as possible. The large amount of archives located in Israel dealing with communities in Israel and Jewish communities outside of Israel have records in a variety of languages but mostly in Hebrew and English. Our data comes from Archives as well as publications which are on open shelves in libraries.
We scan the materials, build databases with the pertinent information, and then link to the original scans, where archival permission has been granted. Surnames and first names will be transliterated from Hebrew to English, and vice versa, depending on the language of the original material. This will enable researchers who are not familiar with the other language to find the families they are searching for.
Our collection includes records from:
- Ottoman Administration (- 1917)
- British Administration (1917-1948)
- Israeli Administration (1948- )
- Miscellaneous
Search Tips
- You can search in English or Hebrew. There is a virtual Hebrew keyboard.
- There is a button at the top right corner that turns the whole page from English to Hebrew and back.
- Enter a name to begin and click SEARCH!
- The search is limited to a minimum of two letters in the name fields. You can use an asterisk as a wild card.
- The search engine is built on the idea of the use of filters (on the right side) to refine your search.
- You can add filters to your search, you can cancel the use of individual filters in the box at the top right hand corner of the page.
- Click on the "details" button to see all the information on that specific record.
- The details are in the language of the original document.
- All the names have been transliterated so that a search can be conducted on documents in a language the researcher may not know.
- Only paid IGRA members will have access to all databases and images.
- Printing is possible, for individual records only, by clicking on the Print button at the bottom of the details page of the record.
Our Thanks
IGRA wishes to thank the many volunteers working on the building of the databases.
The Israel State Archives, The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalelm (CAHJP), The Central Zionist Archives, Ein Harod Miuhad Archives, Ein Zurim Archives, Emek Yizrael Regional Archives, Gymnasia Herzelia, Haifa Municipal Archives, Historical Jewish Press, Jerusalem Municipal Archive, The Israeli Center for the Documentation of the Performing Arts, Jabotinsky Institute in Israel, Dr. Boris Mozorov (Tel-Aviv University), Pinhas Lavon Institute for Labour Movement Research, National Library of Israel, The Netanya Municipal Archive, Oded Yarkoni Petah Tikva History Archive, The Ra'anana Municipal Archive, Archive of the History of Rehovot, Archive of Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora, Haim Sidor, Mathilde Tagger, The Historical Municipal Archives of Tel-Aviv – Yaffo, Moshav Tsofit Archive, the National Archives of the United Kingdom in London.
IGRA respects the Israeli ruling of a 70 year limit on privacy, and publishes only materials it has received permission to do so, except for material that has been published and is open to the public.
We are always interested to hear suggestions from fellow genealogy researchers. Suggestions can be sent to [email protected]
This database was designed and coded for IGRA by Brooke Schreier Ganz using the open source LeafSeek archival record search platform she developed, based on Apache Solr. LeafSeek is free to use and modify, and is designed for individuals and groups who need to handle large amounts of searchable interconnected historical or genealogical records and data sets.